libscsv manual
Version 1.1

CSV content readers. 1st declaration is for use with disk files, 2nd for direct access and loading content of streams.

int scsv::read(const char * const fName, bool erase = false);
declared in scsv.h, include scsv.h
int scsv::read(std::istream & iStr);
declared in scsv.h, include scsv.h
* fName
Pointer to the file name.
If set to true, current buffer is truncated and new content is written at the beginning of it.
& iStr
Reference to the stream, to load data from.

Function returns with scsv::state codes: OK, E_NULL, E_STR_EMPTY, E_READ_OPEN, E_READ_FAIL.

Released under the GNU Free Documentation License
by TinyIT
Last modified 2017-10-17